Supporting the Lions partThe Lions part is a registered charity, and we are dedicated to keeping as many of our events as possible free and open to all. We simply would not be able to do this without the help of our supporters and sponsors, to whom we are enormously grateful. If you would like to make a donation, you can donate directly via our Charities Aid Foundation page. If you prefer to send a cheque, we would be very grateful if you would take a moment to print and fill out our Gift Aid declaration form (it will fit on a single sheet of paper). This enables us to claim a further 28p per pound of your donation from the government, and makes a great difference to our finances! If you prefer, you can make your declaration in a letter by including the wording of the declaration and your personal details. Please send the form/letter and your donation to the address on the form.To support us via Charities Aid Foundation Notes about Gift Aid: